
Lemon Cookies In China

Last week I shared with you guys how I was in the midst of the biggest battle of my life, and the story that God led me too that comforted me. Helped me to realize that our biggest struggles come with the biggest promotions. This past week God’s Grace has shone through each day and given me strength.  2 Corinthians 12:9 says “… My Grace is sufficient for you; for my strength is made perfect in weakness… ” He gives us Grace, or the ability to handle every situation we encounter. When we go through things and then look back and say wow how’d I make it through that, well his grace was sufficient like he promised it would be. God graces each of us for our individual journeys which is why it’s pointless to compare ourselves to each other.   As I speak about God’s Grace in this post I’m referring to His unending kindness and compassion .  He saw me getting weary in my battle and he sent along what me and my mom call Lemon Cookies in China. It’s our little saying but it explains God

Do you smell smoke? Nope

Hey Y'all, miss me? I decided to take a hiatus for the month of February for personal reasons but I'm excited to be back. I was doing my reading the other night in the book of Daniel. Daniel 3 is the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego, its a short story but I do recommend adding it to your bible reading. Basically what happens is the King built a gigantic gold statue and told everyone when they hear the horn to worship it. Everyone did but the 3 I mentioned above who were Jews and served the 1 true living God. The King and his advisers grew angry and threatened to throw them into the Fiery Furnace. To this they responded "if we are thrown into the furnace the God we serve will save us. But even if he does not, we want you to know O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you set up."  Bold right? They said that to the king, in front of all his soldiers and knowing he had a furnace waiting.  Well as expected the king got even more an

The Vipers of Life

There is a story in Acts 28, if you'd like to read it it's from verse 1-10. A little back story first, Paul is headed to Rome. On the way there is a big storm and Paul and the other passengers on the boat shipwreck and end up on an unknown island. Now here's what happens in our short story, they get there and the islanders show them unusual kindness, they built a fire and welcomed them it was raining and cold(verse 2).  Well while they were there Paul went to put some brushwood on the fire and apparently there was a snake inside and the heat drew it out. The Viper bit him , well he actually attached itself to Paul's hand, and Paul shook it off and threw it in the fire. Now when this happened the islanders thought he was a bad man because although he escaped the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live (verse 4) But Paul suffered no ill effects (vs.5), and after a while they started to think he might be a god. Lol that makes me laugh because people are so fickle their op

Jehovah Nacham

I experienced my first anxiety attack at 16 years old...but at that time it wasn't something talked about like it is now. I had actually never in my life heard of someone struggling with anxiety. I didn't know it was a struggle come to think of it, I didn't know what it was. I just knew I was very afraid, and I couldn't explain why. I was shaking, red, and hyperventilating for no reason at all. I finally told my mom and we settled on calling it a nervous stomach because that was the prominent feeling. Nervousness in the pit of your stomach, a better word? Dread. Unexplained dread at that. Smh. Its a sickness and I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy. This weeks blogpost is dedicated to anyone who is somewhere dealing with any type of anxiety its a terrible thing and sometimes you feel so alone in dealing with it. You are not alone. And I mean that in more ways than you know. Thats where this title comes from: Jehovah Nacham; The Lord your Comforter is  always th

Remembering my Rose

 I know on social media we are supposed to pretend like everything is perfect but I’m going to be real with y’all… Have y’all ever had faith for something so big it was difficult to hang on to it. Its all you think about and yet somehow you still find time to doubt? I have. I am right now. Day by day praying and believing for the impossible. Now don't get me wrong God has blessed me immensely at 26 I have achieved more than most twice my age. But this that I am believing for  isn't just any blessing its The Blessing that will change it all. You know, that thing that will change your life but also give you the ability to change others as well.  I wrote a post back in 2012 called Faith in a storm about a Rose outside my house that bloomed although it was winter and had just stormed.Today the Holy Spirit brought my rose back to my memory. I thought I understood that then, but it means even more now. Its helped me with my struggle today even more than back then. This week ha

The Butterfly Effect

Hey y’all  I wanted to post this post on the New Year but I guess life has been getting in the way.  No promises but I’m going to try to post at least once a week from here on out.  I saw this picture and it spoke to me. The last couple of years have been rough to say the least finding yourself is never easy. But somehow I’ve seemed to stumble along my way and back to where I belong.  Something I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned I have a tattoo on my shoulder of a butterfly. I originally got the piece done because of some quote I saw when I was young something like “ A butterfly doesn’t know its own beauty because it can’t see its wings” something like that. I struggled with self esteem issues my entire life so I got that done so when I saw it I’d remember that I was Beautiful even when I couldn’t see it.  Now 7 years later it means so much more to me it’s reminded me to give myself time because a butterfly doesn’t just pop up a butterfly it takes much time and work to get fr

Allow me to reintroduce myself

To say its been a while is an understatement. At 26 I'm a completely different person than when I wrote my previous posts. When you're 21the world is a different place...I've been through so many things. I wish I could tell you guys all of them but the truth is it's entirely too much for this blog and some of it I don't want to tell anybody ever. I will say some things I shouldn't have made it out of...But God. I could go on but that says it all, finish the sentence how you will.  But God... saved me. But God... never left me. But God... grabbed me out of the enemies hand. But God's Grace is Sufficient. Some situations I got myself into and then was like "Oh shoot!" and some were attacks from the enemy. Regardless of how I got into the situations the last 5 years have brought. For a long time I walked around a broken and hurting person.  And I know you've heard the saying "hurting people hurt people" well it's very true. I beca