Do you smell smoke? Nope

Hey Y'all, miss me?
I decided to take a hiatus for the month of February for personal reasons but I'm excited to be back. I was doing my reading the other night in the book of Daniel. Daniel 3 is the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego, its a short story but I do recommend adding it to your bible reading.

Basically what happens is the King built a gigantic gold statue and told everyone when they hear the horn to worship it. Everyone did but the 3 I mentioned above who were Jews and served the 1 true living God. The King and his advisers grew angry and threatened to throw them into the Fiery Furnace. To this they responded "if we are thrown into the furnace the God we serve will save us. But even if he does not, we want you to know O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you set up."  Bold right? They said that to the king, in front of all his soldiers and knowing he had a furnace waiting.  Well as expected the king got even more angry and told the servants to heat the furnace 7X hotter than normal and he had them tied up. It was so hot that the men who opened it to throw them inside died immediately and they fell in door slamming behind them.  After some time the king goes to check through the window, and he sees not 3 men but 4 men and all of them walking around and talking. So he asks his advisers "umm...didn't we put in 3 men?" and they are like yes of course. and he says "well there are 4 in there now..and one of them looks like the son of God." He then called to them and said come out. When they did (just the 3), they not only weren't harmed by the fire but their hair wasn't singed, their robes weren't scorched and the bible says they didn't even smell like fire. The king proclaimed Praise be to the God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and then promoted them. And the kingdom served the 1 true living God as commanded by the King.

The part that really touched me with this story is that going into the furnace they had to be afraid although they didn't show it. God let the king get angrier and turn the furnace up to the point of the men throwing them in dying, I believe he allowed that so that no-one could say it was anyone but God himself that saved them. When I think about some of the things I'm dealing with that scare me, or seem like hopeless situations that comforts me. Sometimes God lets things get to a point so that he can get the glory and there is no way you could say you did it by your own strength but only Him. Its scary but the wonderful part is knowing that when they came out of the furnace they didn't even smell like smoke, and then they got the biggest promotion of their lives. Probably more than they ever even dreamed, these just were regular men who stood for what they believed in. And ended up very high up with the king who previously tried to kill them.

So if you're like me and you're currently going through a trial that seems your hardest yet, seems scary or hopeless remember this. It may seem like we're going through hell but when we come out the fire we won't even smell like smoke, and the biggest promotion of our lives is waiting on us when we make it out. Which of course we will because Jesus is right there with us he'll never leave us. And he's already told us the end of the story.. SPOILER ALERT....We get the Victory. lol

Alright y'all it's late I gotta hit these sheets lol. Keep me in your prayers you're in mine. Any specific prayer request you can leave in the comments also keep me posted on those big promotions God has in store! :)
As always thanks so much for reading



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