Allow me to reintroduce myself

To say its been a while is an understatement. At 26 I'm a completely different person than when I wrote my previous posts. When you're 21the world is a different place...I've been through so many things. I wish I could tell you guys all of them but the truth is it's entirely too much for this blog and some of it I don't want to tell anybody ever. I will say some things I shouldn't have made it out of...But God. I could go on but that says it all, finish the sentence how you will.  But God... saved me. But God... never left me. But God... grabbed me out of the enemies hand. But God's Grace is Sufficient. Some situations I got myself into and then was like "Oh shoot!" and some were attacks from the enemy.

Regardless of how I got into the situations the last 5 years have brought. For a long time I walked around a broken and hurting person.  And I know you've heard the saying "hurting people hurt people" well it's very true. I became a very rude and bitter person. The worse thing about Bitterness is its  a poison. It starts off small in one compartment of your life but it doesn't stay there, for example someone  does you wrong you have every right to be angry right? So you let it fester. The problem with poison is it doesn't stay in one place it flows through your blood stream everywhere. One day you wake up and you're someone you don't even particularly like. Thats why you have to let it go, you have to give it to God so you can be free.  Thats easier said than done, but once it's done its worth it.  The freedom that comes with forgiveness, true forgiveness is something that can't be explained.

But God picked me up, wiped my tears, cleaned me off. And now my relationship with him is so much deeper, so real and true. I'm reading my bible more than ever before, my worship and prayer life is on such a higher level. I hear from him so clearly. Thats honestly what's brought me back to this blog I ran into one of my old posts and decided to share some of the insights The Holy Spirit lays on my heart so that maybe I can help someone, bring a word, or just share a little Jesus.

I am truly the happiest I've ever been, its to the point where I wouldn't change a thing because it got me here. The mistakes that at one point haunted me, the lessons, the hurt, the pain, I'll keep it all. Because thats how I got here, how I became the woman I am today. How I truly experienced God's grace, and Love. How I realized that Jesus is my rescuer and even late at night if I'm having a bad dream if I call him there he comes to comfort me. His Grace and Mercy found me and overpowered me, and now it often overwhelms  me. 

So on that note I'm continuing this blog as a whole woman, but in some ways I am still that same girl. In other words this is still My Life as a Christian Girl. Thanks for reading.
I look forward to this journey with you guys,



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