The Vipers of Life

There is a story in Acts 28, if you'd like to read it it's from verse 1-10. A little back story first, Paul is headed to Rome. On the way there is a big storm and Paul and the other passengers on the boat shipwreck and end up on an unknown island. Now here's what happens in our short story, they get there and the islanders show them unusual kindness, they built a fire and welcomed them it was raining and cold(verse 2).  Well while they were there Paul went to put some brushwood on the fire and apparently there was a snake inside and the heat drew it out. The Viper bit him, well he actually attached itself to Paul's hand, and Paul shook it off and threw it in the fire. Now when this happened the islanders thought he was a bad man because although he escaped the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live (verse 4) But Paul suffered no ill effects (vs.5), and after a while they started to think he might be a god. Lol that makes me laugh because people are so fickle their opinions change so quickly about someone, that's why it's pointless to care what people think.

But what really intrigued me the most about our story was how everyone had different reactions to the situation.  He's literally standing there with a large venomous snake hanging from his hand. At the very least you'd gasp! I'd probably scream lol. So that happens and they all are like OMG! Then they watch him shake it off in the fire and mumble to each other about how he's going to die. OK Pause. What was Paul's reaction? There was none. He threw it in the fire and went on about his day. My point is sometimes when the Vipers of life try to take you down You don't give them the time of day. Keep moving. When you know that God has your back why worry?  He didn't say anything to the islanders, most importantly he didn't listen to the people. Watch who you let have your ear you must Guard your heart in all aspects. What if he had listened to them? They didn't know his God. Stop Letting people who don't know your God tell you what he can and cannot do. Don't let them underestimate you, and definitely don't let them underestimate HIM! Paul sure didn't, and he didn't even argue with them he just waited. He let God do the talking. People who know me know one thing I often say is "Well let's see what God will do" and that's exactly what he did.
He trusted God. His trust in God was so deep they didn't even have to talk about it, He just knew God had his back he threw the snake in the fire and didn't think about it again. That's the type of relationship I aspire to have with God.
And here's the Best news of all! God is not a respecter of persons. What he does for one he'll surely do for someone else.  So earlier I told you not to allow someone else to underestimate your God, now its your turn. Don't YOU underestimate Him. You believe He died for you so you could live a sick life? So you could live a life full of lack? Poverty? Lonely? NO! He only wants the best for you. And nothing is too small to mention, he cares about what we care about. I've even prayed for a parking spot before.  He wants to be apart of our entire life. Trust him. Say it throughout your day as a matter of fact Lets say it together right now. Out loud. Lord I trust you fully, and completely. I'm still learning myself and I believe that's why I was led to this story.

Oh and fun fact, I looked up the word Viper, and besides for the obvious definition a large venomous snake there was another. "A spiteful or treacherous person" We don't always find ourselves in a situation with a literal snake. As a matter of fact that's rare for most of us. But there people like that all around us. The devil will try even small attacks on us, he doesn't care if he only steals a second of our happiness he'll try it. Sometimes just ignoring them and going on with your happy life is a win. God will fight that battle, he's much better at it than us anyway.

 Thank you for reading. Can't wait to see what God has to show us next week. This Journey is so exciting.



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