Lemon Cookies In China

Last week I shared with you guys how I was in the midst of the biggest battle of my life, and the story that God led me too that comforted me. Helped me to realize that our biggest struggles come with the biggest promotions.

This past week God’s Grace has shone through each day and given me strength.  2 Corinthians 12:9 says “…My Grace is sufficient for you; for my strength is made perfect in weakness…” He gives us Grace, or the ability to handle every situation we encounter. When we go through things and then look back and say wow how’d I make it through that, well his grace was sufficient like he promised it would be. God graces each of us for our individual journeys which is why it’s pointless to compare ourselves to each other.  

As I speak about God’s Grace in this post I’m referring to His unending kindness and compassion.  He saw me getting weary in my battle and he sent along what me and my mom call Lemon Cookies in China. It’s our little saying but it explains God’s love perfectly. I’ll explain…

So years ago there is this man who is a missionary I don’t remember his name or even where we heard this story it was so long ago. I believe we saw him on the christian channel but I can’t be 100% on that.  Anyway at the time he was a missionary in China.  Literally as far away from home as possible, alone in every sense of the word. He said he was just feeling down, like he wasn’t making a difference or progress reaching the people. He was home sick, and just felt like he wasn’t going to make it. We all been there.  Just when he thought he couldn’t fight anymore, weary, as low as he could be there was a knock on his apartment door.  He went to answer and no-one was outside. However when he opened the door there was box with lemon cookies in it. Lemon cookies happen to be his favorite cookie. How would anyone there know that? Do Chinese people even make lemon cookies? Why not chocolate chip those are more common? All questions we don’t have answers to but he said that was exactly what he needed. It gave him the strength to go on and continue his journey. He went on to talk about the salvation's and other amazing things that he experienced over there.

He said the lemon cookies left at his door were his little miracle. Sometimes we need that. It was like God bending down and giving him a kiss on the cheek, letting him know that he knows it’s difficult but he’s still with us and we are on the right track.  All week this week He has been showing me his love in one way or another through different people close to me.  Simple things that mean so much to me. I believe God does that a lot He is our comforter, maybe we don’t realize it’s Him I guess that's what this post is about don’t forget to notice the Beauty in the Battle. 

 Ok y’all that’s all for this week thanks so much for visiting. I’m praying for you. Have a great week. 



P.S. This post is dedicated to my Mom and Sister without whom Idk what I’d do. I love you. 


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