Jehovah Nacham

I experienced my first anxiety attack at 16 years old...but at that time it wasn't something talked about like it is now. I had actually never in my life heard of someone struggling with anxiety. I didn't know it was a struggle come to think of it, I didn't know what it was. I just knew I was very afraid, and I couldn't explain why. I was shaking, red, and hyperventilating for no reason at all.
I finally told my mom and we settled on calling it a nervous stomach because that was the prominent feeling. Nervousness in the pit of your stomach, a better word? Dread. Unexplained dread at that. Smh. Its a sickness and I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy.

This weeks blogpost is dedicated to anyone who is somewhere dealing with any type of anxiety its a terrible thing and sometimes you feel so alone in dealing with it. You are not alone. And I mean that in more ways than you know. Thats where this title comes from:

Jehovah Nacham; The Lord your Comforter is  always there with you. I can say that confidently because I have been crying and scared at night shaking too bad to even have the ability to form a prayer all I could say was Jesus. But thank goodness that's all I needed to say. He always comes, always. Don't believe me just try it. You don't have to wait till you need him, you just call him he'll come. And As you get to know him, spend more time in his presence your spirit will become more and more aware of that fact. How do you get to know him? about a year and a half ago I asked that same question in prayer, more importantly I asked Jesus to teach me how to love him the way he loves me. Because of course I loved him. But I had begun to realize it was the way you say it to a distant relative, in theory you do but you don't really know them well enough.  And maybe because I was crazy enough to ask  he answered, he said, "How do you get to know anyone?" So I pondered that question...You spend time with them, like hangout? But how could I do that with him? I decided to read the stories of the people who did get the chance to spend time with him. So I did. each day for at least 30 min. I read some of either Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John, but I didn't just read it. I read it like a story I really tried to understand everything, and when i couldn't I'd say a quick prayer "help me understand holy spirit" and he was there to explain it. The holy spirit is our helper, why not ask? And then not every day but into my weekly routine I'd put on worship music and worship alone. not in a church or with a choir just me. Sometimes that was me just singing or sitting quietly and sometimes it was me speaking in tongues and declaring Gods promises over my life. That's when my life began to change. That's when he really became real, he no longer was this God on high who saved me once and let me live my life. He is this Amazing God who saves me every day. Who is there when I'm sad or happy every little thing I deal with he wants to chat with me about not just the big things. He just wants us to let us in.

I know it seems I've wondered off topic but you see that's how I overcame my anxiety fully. Worry and Worship cannot inhabit the same temple. And your body is a temple. You can not worry when you actively spend time with him. When you wake up talking to him, and through your day have little convos instead of letting your mind wonder to the worse.
Another thing you can do is look up peace scriptures and say them to yourself this time I'm not giving you guys a hint lol you can find them in the bible pretty easily...ok I'll give one lol psalms 4:8 "I will lie down in peace and sleep for you alone oh God make me to dwell in safety." I also personally recommend is His radio 89.3fm that station may not be the type of christian music you're used to but it brought me so much peace when I needed it. They pray a lot over there, they must. This is important because you have to guard your heart. I know that scripture often makes us think about relationships and that is true but I also think God meant it in every aspect. That means don't watch just anything or listen to all types of craziness it affects you even if you don't realize it. An example in my life I can not watch scary movies, that's not a sin but in my case it's just not a wise decision for me. You've gotta figure out what works, or doesn't work in your life. Because your peace is soooo important.

I haven't had anything close to an anxiety attack since I made the decision to be more than just a "christian girl".  I decided To have a Relationship with Christ. But I gained so much more than that y'all, so much more. With him comes so much goodness, and grace. He's so compassionate and caring and loving. You'll see. Its an Amazing journey, not always easy but it is always worth it. 

Before I end this post if there is someone out there who is wondering how they can meet my Jesus I'll introduce you right now. Just say this out loud... Dear Jesus, its me (insert name) I need you. Come into my heart. I'm sorry. I believe you died and rose again so that I could be saved. Make yourself real to me. In your name I pray. Amen. Alright there it is be ready for your life to change!! And if you're anywhere near Greenville SC Come on over to 635 Haywood road tomorrow at 9 am or 11 am for church.

Ok y'all I know I cut this one close my grandpa has been in the hospital getting surgery so I've been a little preoccupied but I made it in time lol. I look forward to next weeks post. I pray for you guys please pray for me too :)  Have a great week.

Thanks for reading,


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