Remembering my Rose

 I know on social media we are supposed to pretend like everything is perfect but I’m going to be real with y’all…

Have y’all ever had faith for something so big it was difficult to hang on to it. Its all you think about and yet somehow you still find time to doubt? I have. I am right now. Day by day praying and believing for the impossible. Now don't get me wrong God has blessed me immensely at 26 I have achieved more than most twice my age. But this that I am believing for  isn't just any blessing its The Blessing that will change it all. You know, that thing that will change your life but also give you the ability to change others as well. 
I wrote a post back in 2012 called Faith in a storm about a Rose outside my house that bloomed although it was winter and had just stormed.Today the Holy Spirit brought my rose back to my memory. I thought I understood that then, but it means even more now. Its helped me with my struggle today even more than back then. This week has been pretty rough, maybe because it snowed a lot so I couldn’t keep my myself as busy. Snow has a way of slowing things down, especially in the South lol. Anyway, the devil has been attacking my faith right and left, and if he’s been whispering those lies in your ear also I’ll tell you what I do to fight back. 
First the negativity HAS TO STOP, You can’t say anything negative period. You’ll have to check yourself its difficult to say the least it’ll slip but that's ok say something like ‘nope I break that word in the name of Jesus’ and say the opposite. For example you say by mistake “Man I will never be able to get this business successful…Nope I break that word in the name of Jesus. I will get it up and running and God will bless it and give me favor with all.” 
After that I don’t entertain the lie he tells you. That seems easy enough but sometimes he puts a bad thoughts in our head like “God won’t heal you,” or “You’ll never get that promotion”  its easy for us to dwell on it. I cut it down immediately, Say something like Cast down imagination, or Devil you a liar. That shuts him up.
Then I have a few trusty scriptures I say, so that way I’m not just shutting him up but I’m throwing a few punches myself. I’ll give you 2 of mine but you’ve gotta find some that work for you too and when you find them get a prayer journal and write them down so you can read them over and over till they are in your heart. Till you say them 2nd nature. God says in  Isaiah 46:11  “What I have said, that will I bring about;What I have planned that I will do.” That means regardless of what you see, if he said it it’s going to happen hang on. Another good one is very simple Jesus said in Mark 9:23 “Everything is possible for those who believe” this was right before he healed a little boy. 

God’s given us the word to cling to in times like these. It will provide comfort It's not just words when you say them they really come alive. Don't believe me just try it. You'll see the difference.

A side note something that has helped me also in that prayer journal write down what you’re believing for. Habakkuk 2 says write down the vision and make it plain so that a herald can run with it. You’d be surprise how writing something down can make it so much more real. 

These are just a few things that have helped me get through this week I hope it helps somebody out there as well. Thanks for reading see you next week. 
This is my life as a Christian girl



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