This Journey called Life.

Every Journey begins with the first step.  Even if that step is in the rain...there will be brighter days. The sun will shine again. Although things look difficult now and you cannot see the end of the journey. You may not know where you are headed but know that God is in control and he planned out this Journey before we even knew about the storm. Embarking on a Journey is difficult, and things may seem bad now,But they have to get better.  There is only 1 way to go from here. Up.
This is a new beginning and that's something to be grateful for. New beginnings can seem scary. But sometimes you have to let go of the past and embrace everything that awaits you. Who knows you might end up with something beautiful, and more wonderful than you could have ever imagined. Peace. Hope. And Love people. Muah.
This is my life...according to me. As a Christian girl
Please come again,


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