
Showing posts from March, 2018

Lemon Cookies In China

Last week I shared with you guys how I was in the midst of the biggest battle of my life, and the story that God led me too that comforted me. Helped me to realize that our biggest struggles come with the biggest promotions. This past week God’s Grace has shone through each day and given me strength.  2 Corinthians 12:9 says “… My Grace is sufficient for you; for my strength is made perfect in weakness… ” He gives us Grace, or the ability to handle every situation we encounter. When we go through things and then look back and say wow how’d I make it through that, well his grace was sufficient like he promised it would be. God graces each of us for our individual journeys which is why it’s pointless to compare ourselves to each other.   As I speak about God’s Grace in this post I’m referring to His unending kindness and compassion .  He saw me getting weary in my battle and he sent along what me and my mom call Lemon Cookies in China. It’s our little saying but it explains God

Do you smell smoke? Nope

Hey Y'all, miss me? I decided to take a hiatus for the month of February for personal reasons but I'm excited to be back. I was doing my reading the other night in the book of Daniel. Daniel 3 is the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego, its a short story but I do recommend adding it to your bible reading. Basically what happens is the King built a gigantic gold statue and told everyone when they hear the horn to worship it. Everyone did but the 3 I mentioned above who were Jews and served the 1 true living God. The King and his advisers grew angry and threatened to throw them into the Fiery Furnace. To this they responded "if we are thrown into the furnace the God we serve will save us. But even if he does not, we want you to know O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you set up."  Bold right? They said that to the king, in front of all his soldiers and knowing he had a furnace waiting.  Well as expected the king got even more an