
Showing posts from 2012

This Journey called Life.

Every Journey begins with the first step.  Even if that step is in the rain...there will be brighter days. The sun will shine again. Although things look difficult now and you cannot see the end of the journey. You may not know where you are headed but know that God is in control and he planned out this Journey before we even knew about the storm. Embarking on a Journey is difficult, and things may seem bad now,But they have to get better.  There is only 1 way to go from here. Up. This is a new beginning and that's something to be grateful for. New beginnings can seem scary. But sometimes you have to let go of the past and embrace everything that awaits you. Who knows you might end up with something beautiful, and more wonderful than you could have ever imagined. Peace. Hope. And Love people. Muah. This is my life...according to me. As a Christian girl Please come again, xoxo Bri

Faith in a Storm!

Today I walked outside and saw a Rose in our backyard all by its lonesome on our bush. While staring at this rose it began to drizzle, not a lot just a little. God gave me an epiphany And I realized..My little Rose is outside just a growing in the cold. She's just keeps growing, she doesn't know if she'll live to see tomorrow. She doesn't know if the Sun will come and shine in order to complete her photosynthesis. But she has been provided for thus far, she just grows tall and realizes that she will continue to be provided for.  So I named her Faith. Because even in the unlikeliest time, in the wind and rain she still stands...even if she seems alone she knows that God is with her. She looks frail but she's quite strong! That's the kind of Faith God rewards. Acceptance with Joy. God is always taking care of us, and we still doubt. If God takes care of my little rose of course he'll take care of us. I believe that's why he allowed that little Rose to li

The Introduction

Hello, My name is Brianna Ellis, but everyone calls me Bri. A little about me. I believe in Love, and Jesus Christ saved me in every possible way that a person can be saved. I'm 21 years old and just trying to live the life God has for me. I am a very honest person, and one of the best people you will ever meet. (not to brag of course). I've been meaning to start a blog for quite sometime and just never got around to it until now. I hope you enjoy my inner thoughts and such. This is my life as a Christian told by me. Do come again. lol  Always, Bri