
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Vipers of Life

There is a story in Acts 28, if you'd like to read it it's from verse 1-10. A little back story first, Paul is headed to Rome. On the way there is a big storm and Paul and the other passengers on the boat shipwreck and end up on an unknown island. Now here's what happens in our short story, they get there and the islanders show them unusual kindness, they built a fire and welcomed them it was raining and cold(verse 2).  Well while they were there Paul went to put some brushwood on the fire and apparently there was a snake inside and the heat drew it out. The Viper bit him , well he actually attached itself to Paul's hand, and Paul shook it off and threw it in the fire. Now when this happened the islanders thought he was a bad man because although he escaped the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live (verse 4) But Paul suffered no ill effects (vs.5), and after a while they started to think he might be a god. Lol that makes me laugh because people are so fickle their op